We have temporarily moved to 815 Bombardier street in Shediac. Reach out today to book your appointment!

How To Prepare For Your First Appointment

Coming in for your first hearing evaluation? How exciting! We really look forward to welcoming you in our space. Below we are sharing three tips on what to expect and how to prepare for your first appointment.

Picture of a the side of someone's head.

Tip #1 to help prepare for your appointment

Think ahead of time about all the questions you may want to ask our team with regards to your hearing health. A lot of key elements of the case history are found around a simple discussion about our daily lives, so don’t be afraid to share some of your anecdotes and stories.

Some examples could include:

  • Does my family history of hearing loss affect my chances of developing hearing problems in the future?
  • How does my work in a noisy environment have consequences on my hearing acuity and should I look to seek hearing protection when possible?
  • My spouse tells me I rarely notice the beautiful sound of birds chirping in our backyard. Is this an indication that my hearing may have permanently changed?

Tip #2

Bring a friend or a family member, we would love to meet them! Again, communication happens with more than one person, so oftentimes our loved ones have some pretty great insight on how we seem to be hearing in our home environment. A second set of ears often offers another important perspective, plus it certainly helps with discussions on the ride home after the appointment.

Tip #3

Think back to see if you have ever had any sort of hearing evaluation in the past (either in a hospital setting or perhaps at work). If you have any old audiograms (hearing tests) gathering dust or if you have even had some experience with hearing aids or assistive listening devices in the past, bring them along.

We look forward to seeing you and if you have any other questions prior to your appointment, don’t hesitate to contact us!